Nelson Musonda - Author
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10 Virtual Seminar Topics Your Church Should Be Addressing.

Did you know that every issue the church does not address is left to the circular world to solve?
Nelson Musonda
Written by:
Nelson Musonda
Published on:
10 Virtual Seminar Topics Your Church Should Be Addressing.
Updated on:
June 7, 2022

When it comes to choosing the best Virtual Seminar Topics for your church or evangelism campaigns, the best topics are the ones suggested by your members or audience.

Let's face it; every church has a group of people who strongly feel that the church is no place to discuss anything other than spirituality.

However, every time you avoid addressing life issues, you leave it to the circular world to have the last say.

In the book of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, the Bible says, "19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

Virtual Seminar Topics - Health
Healthy living

As individuals and churches, we must physically and mentally care for God's temple because God deserves healthy bodies to dwell.

So whichever side of the argument you fall on, it is essential to remember that a person with a need will do everything possible to find a solution whether the church provides it or not.

So the question to you and me is, who do we want feeding our church members?

When we choose not to address issues our members are going through every day, we leave it up to the circular world to have the last and only say.

If you are like many churches with no time during the short hours of service to discuss other issues, you are in luck because we do not have virtual summits.

The virtual summits will allow you to deliver valuable information your church members need without worrying about time and high costs.

Virtual Seminar Topics For Your Digital Ministry

Let's get into the top 10 virtual summit topics every church needs to address.

The following virtual seminar topics are just a few that your church needs to be addressing.

This article will give you some excellent virtual summit ideas, especially if you're starting.

It is important to note that the perfect virtual seminar topic is one that your church members suggest. We recommend that you start by asking your church members what their struggles are.

For example, the family life department wants to hold a virtual seminar on family life. As outlined in the Delmethod, the best way to go about it is to ask the members, "When it comes to family life, what is your biggest challenge?" Please read more about the del method here...

Virtual Summit Topic # 1: Health

Virtual Seminar Topics - healthy living
community health and fitness class

The church and the world need healthy people.

The biggest mistake we can make is to leave it to the hospitals to do health education for our members.

It is easier for the church to visit a sick person than be proactive by helping that member live a healthy lifestyle.

We often make announcements and most likely ask for prayers. It is always good to pray for each other, but sometimes we leave it too late.

For example, a church member gaining so much weight gets no intervention from the church until he is very sick with a weight-related illness.

Most of us only go to the doctors when we're not feeling well or when it's too late for the Doctors to do something about it.

Although this could be due to various reasons, including lack of insurance and others, one thing for sure is that early detection, prevention, or simple health education can save lives.

The church is in a position to provide its community with sound health education, and this can be done quickly and cheaply through virtual summits.

Virtual Summit Topic # 2: Sex

An average person is exposed to sex every day. We see it on the billboards as we drive to school or work, on tv commercials ( even on children's channels), in magazines, and mostly on our mobile phones.

Virtual Seminar Topics - Sex
Sex education

Most adults can handle all the sex, but the church must help guide our young people. We have to find a way to help them process and manage their sexual urges and exposures.

I grew up in a culture where my parents and my church never talked about sex, so the only education I got was through my friends and tv off course.

These days our children have the world of information in the palm of their hands, and the truth is that children will explore what they see.

We should teach and help our children process everything about sex.

Virtual Summit Topic # 3: Love and Marriage

A church full of broken marriages is a dead church, and the devil knows this.

Virtual Seminar Topics - Marriage
Virtual summit topic - Marriage

The church should protect and nourish marriages to stay active.

Love and Marriage is one of the essential virtual seminar topics that every church should discuss. It is not enough to have one or two offline seminars per year because no one is an expert in this area.

Marriages go through rough times every day, and one has to learn new skills to navigate this boat continually.

Virtual seminars are cheap and fast to put up, so people don't have to wait for that annual retreat to get valuable information and skills.

Virtual Summit Topic # 4: Finance

Virtual Seminar Topics - finanace
Finance and investment

The church relies heavily on a few faithful givers to stay afloat.

Research shows that only 10 - 15% of church members return tithe faithfully every month. The church is like a business; the only difference is how money is used. bIn fact, both the church and have very similar running costs.

A business that only collects 15% of its revenue would not be profitable and most likely fall.

So how does the church survive on 15% revenue?

This is why finance makes it on the top 10 virtual summit topics because making just a few changes to the way churches deal with finance will change everything.

I visited a church that sounded like a debt collector during offering time. I don't blame them because they have to survive.

Virtual Seminar Topics - giving
Collecting tithe and offering

However, I think that most churches are missing an essential part of finance. Many churches teach stewardship, and for a moment, they see an increase in church giving, but it soon fades because people can't keep up.

The church should start investing in its members both financially and empowering them with the knowledge and skills to make more money.

The result of that investment will improve the church's financial position and mission.

Virtual Summit Topics # 5: Divorce

It is an understatement to say that the Christian family unit is attacked.

Virtual Seminar Topics - divorce
Virtual seminar topic - Divorce

The church is only as healthy as the family unit; therefore, the church needs to ensure that families have the skills and knowledge to survive these challenging times.

A virtual seminar topic on divorce will help your church family and open you up to the world. You will be able to help people everywhere looking to the church for answers.

Virtual Summit Topics # 6: Mental Health

A lot of people avoid talking about Mental Health due to various reasons. But the truth of the matter is that many people, including our church members, are suffering in silence.

Virtual Seminar Topics - mental health
Suffering in silence - mental health

The biggest issue I see with mental health is that many people do not know how to react or treat a person suffering from mental health.

As Christians, we have no other option but to treat everyone with respect and love.

Your church needs to have virtual seminar topics on mental health, especially for people who have no idea about it.

The seminar would help them identify and learn how to engage with people suffering from mental health.

Virtual Summit Topics # 7: Addiction

A church is like a Hospital; many churchgoers struggle both physically and spiritually. It is, therefore, a missed opportunity if the church is not addressing the common struggles that everyday people are facing.

Virtual seminar topic - Addiction

Virtual seminars on topics such as addiction are great because people are more inclined to participate privately.

If you don't believe me, try asking the question," who here is struggling with addiction" during a church service.

You'll most likely get no responses.

Most virtual summit software allows people to ask questions privately, which is essential for people who don't want their business out in public.

Virtual Summit Topic # 8: Identity

If your church has a lot of young people, you have no choice but to talk about identity.

Virtual topic - Identity

Our young people need to know what the church thinks about identity and how to deal with it.

If the church stays away from this topic, you're leaving it to the circular world and social media to educate your children.

Virtual Summit Topic # 9: Family Life

A happy family

They say" a family that prays together, stays together." Just like Marriage, the family is also under attack.

I know that we have so many options for family therapy, but Christian families also need Christ therapy.

The church has an opportunity to impact its members' lives in a significant way through family life seminars.

The great thing about virtual seminars is that you don't need an in-house expert; you can always find someone out of state.

Digital workshops are cheap, fast, and can be hosted from anywhere.

Virtual Summit Topic # 10: Community Service

community service
community service

I remember the time when the church served the community.

The church attended every funeral in town and listened to the sick whether they were members. Times have changed now, and that's no longer the case.

The church wants to do as little as possible and only when they have to.

Times have changed, and sometimes it is challenging for the church to get involved because some people want their privacy.

However, that's not to say that the church can't do its work even amid the current situation.

Virtual Seminars will give you the power and a way to reach and connect with your community in a more personal way.


The church is going through decentralization, where people have discovered more than one way to consume the gospel. As a result, many people don't see the need to attend church.

Recent polls show that for the first time, the people who claim to have no affiliation to any church are more than the Catholic church membership in America alone.

Although people leave the church for various reasons, the most common has something to do with the church not meeting its members' needs.

The church is usually silent on topics that affect its members every day, leaving it to the circular world to have the last say.

Virtual seminars will transform the way your church does evangelism and outreach and put you back into the influence position where your members will come to you first before they go out to find solutions.

It is easy now than ever to reach and connect with your members and the world through digital evangelism.

I hope these ten virtual seminar topics were helpful to you as you plan to engage and connect with your members online.

Are you already using virtual seminars at your church? Please let us know how that is working for you. If not, please let us know why you're not using virtual meetings and how we can help you.

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Nelson Musonda
Written by

Nelson Musonda

Hi my name is Nelson Musonda, founder of, husband, father of 4, media designer, digital evangelism consultant, and blogger. You can follow me on twitter , instagram or facebook.

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